About us

Baby image photo


Brand concept

Every day with a newborn babies will be full of joy and smiles. So for your family's sake we want to be a safe and liable brand that supports the wishes of mothers and fathers.

We want to respond quickly and accurately to the needs of mothers and fathers, which are evolving at a dizzying pace with the growth of their children. 

We will be the first to give form to "what people want at this very moment," and deliver it to them.



PUPPAPUPO's five commitments in logo design

Puppapupo logo
  • Design
    We are conscious of a design that blends simplicity and trendiness.
  • Satisfaction
    We are committed to developing products that prioritize high satisfaction in use over excessive functionality.
  • Reliable Pricing
    We always want to be sensitive to the "fair price".
  • Commitment to Safety and Reliability
    All of our products are inspected in accordance with national baby standards.
  • Prompt delivery
    We aim for prompt delivery to meet the needs of busy moms!